A veterinary ophthalmologist is a veterinarian who, after his/her doctorate in veterinary medicine, spent few years in specializing in diagnosis and treatments of ocular diseases in animals. A veterinary ophthalmologist also performs ocular surgeries, he/she is considered as a veterinarian specialized in medicine and surgery of ocular conditions. In Canada, a veterinarian (doctor in veterinary medicine), has to complete a 3 year residency training in ophthalmology and pass a North American certification exam in order to become a veterinary ophthalmologist. There are 4 veterinarian ophthalmologists now practicing for the public in the province of Québec.
The clinic Ophtalmo Vétérinaire Inc. aims to fulfill the needs of pets’ owners who want to:
Our ambition is to cover your needs while collaborating with your family veterinarian, only keeping in mind one objective: the ocular health of your pet.
The ocular health of your pet is our main priority, and we understand this is also important for you as a pet owner. Indeed, pain or vision loss due to an eye issue can really affect the quality of life of your pet. It is therefore important that you get your pet’s eyes regularly checked by your family veterinarian. This is even more recommended if you observe changes in appearance of their eyes or changes in your animal’s behavior. If your family veterinarian thinks it is necessary, he/she will refer you to our clinic. In order to recognize the various signs of ocular problems, we invite you to check the technical information sheet Ocular diseases.

- It is important to us to stay transparent with you regarding costs of care and for this reason; we will propose various treatment options according to your pet’s needs and your financial situation and possibilities.
- We agree with giving estimates to clients over the phone based on the weight of their animal they will tell us) about a procedure that their animal may need, without seeing their animal.
- However, we would like to stress the point that these estimates are given in order to provide the clients with an idea of the cost and our responsibility is not engaged regarding these estimates given without having examined the pet. Of course, after having weighed and examined your pet, we will be able to provide you with a PRECISE diagnosis and a PRECISE estimate. We will therefore respect this written estimate for 6 months after your visit at the clinic.
- We will provide you with estimates of the costs prior to starting any care to your pet. You will have to sign a form authorizing us to proceed with diagnostic and/or necessary treatments.
- If your animal is hospitalized and needs procedures that have not initially been planned, we will contact you in order to inform you and obtain your agreement to proceed.
- For surgical procedures, the clinic will ask you to leave a deposit of 50% of the estimate that would have been presented to you and that you would have agreed with. The payment of the total invoice will be asked at the departure of your pet from the clinic.
- The pricing is in agreement with the prices given by other specialists in Quebec and some given in the price list guide for the Association des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (AMVQ).

The payment of the complete invoice is asked when the pet leaves the clinic. The payments can be done by cash, debit cards, credit cards (Visa, discover, American Express, Master card) or certified checks.

The Ophtalmo Veterinaire clinic, as many veterinary practices, highly recommends pet’s owners, to get a medical/surgical insurance to help them to cover part of the costs of the treatments that might be needed for their companions. Many insurances companies offer pet insurance programs in Quebec such as:

If you need a prescription renewal for your pet, it’s possible to do so online, by simply writing to
Your request will be processed within 24 to 48 hours and a confirmation email will be sent to you. You will need to provide the information below to get the renewal:
- Owner’s name and phone number
- Animal name
- Name of the medicine to renew
- Name of the institution where you want us to send the prescription
- (your family veterinarian, your pharmacy or directly to Ophtalmo Vétérinaire Clinic)
- Institution’s fax number

We are facing a high demand for appointments, and we try to accommodate our clients the best we can, according to our availability and the level of emergency of the case. Due to cancellations without notice, we had to implement a cancellation policy which we kindly ask that you adhere to. Any client who fails to appear for a scheduled appointment without at least 24 hours’ notice will be charged a $50 fee. For our client’s convenience, cancellations may be made through our voice mail or online service systems. Providing proper notice will allow us to offer your time slot to another patient in need of our care. This client could be you …

An ophthalmic surgery is necessary for your pet, and you wish to get a financing plan to get the surgery performed without delay? The Opthalmo Vétérinaire clinic offers you to access a specialized financing program Petcard ( from the iFinance company.
Petcard financing plan is a service totally independent from our Clinic. The decision to accept or deny the application for a financing plan is completely up to the company iFinance and the interest rate is determined by them, according to the plan you might choose with them. However, we will be deligthed to help you with your application.

In order to make visits to the clinic more enjoyable and, above all, safer for all, we ask you to keep your pet on a leash or in a cage. Thanks for your help.

Your comments and testimonials are important to us. It is always our pleasure to read your comments about our clinic. However, the Order (OMVQ) prohibits us from posting or using any comments that amount to a positive testimonial on our website or on our Facebook page.
- Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (OMVQ)
- Association des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (AMVQ)
- Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe – Université de Montréal
- Collège américain des vétérinaires ophtalmologistes (ACVO)
- Collège européen des vétérinaires ophtalmologistes (ECVO)
- Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
- Association des Techniciens en Santé Animale du Québec (ATSAQ)
- Transports animaliers d’urgence K911
- Centre d’urgence DMV
- Centre d’urgence Daubigny
We are pleased to count amongst our customers, patients from different regions of Quebec, Ontario and even the United States. When you go to the Ophthalmology veterinary clinic for the care of your pet, why not taking the opportunity to do some sightseeing? You will discover that Montreal is a vibrant city, full of activities, with beautiful cultural places to visit and a unique and creative gastronomy. So, you can spend a memorable vacation with your animal.