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  2. Maladies oculaires
  3. fundus of the eye, vision and exotics
  4. Enucleation
In some cases, the eye is not savable (trauma, laceration, perforation, cancer) or the eye remains painful despite the medical or surgical treatment (glaucoma, uveitis). In these cases, the removal of the eyeball and the closure of the eyelids represent the best alternative for the animal. This surgical procedure is called enucleation. It is performed under general anesthesia. The animal will be under anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and pain medication for few days and the skin sutures will be removed about 12-14 days later.

Choosing to go for an enucleation for your animal can be a very difficult decision to make.

However, please keep in mind that is probably the best choice for the following reasons:

•  Your pet does not see from this painful eye anyway

•  The non-visual eye is a real source of pain

•  The non-visual eye can be a potential risk of dissemination of the infection (perforation of the globe)

•  The non-visual eye can be a potential risk of dissemination of the cancer (intra-ocular cancer)

•  Your animal will function very well with only one eye (better than us humans!!)

•  The eye will look like if he was blinking all the time, especially if he has long hair…it won’t be noticeable that much

It is important to remember that within a few weeks, your pet will be comfortable and will no longer

have any eye pain. He will play again like when he was a puppykitten.

Perforated eye dog, pain, enucleation, removal
Dog with a traumatic perforated left eye
Enucleation 8 weeks later, Perforated eye dog, pain, removal
The same dog 8 weeks later
Dog with a traumatic lunated globe, pain, enucleation, removal, proptosis, blind
Dog with a traumatic luxated globe
Dog, severe uveitis, eye, cat, pain, enucleation
Dog with a severe uveitis causing pain
24 hours after enucleation
24 hours after enucleation
Enucleation, dog, cat, comfortable
The same dog 4 months later
12 days after enucleation, Dog, eye, comfortable
12 days after enucleation
Dog, trauma, enucleation, pain, blind
Dog after a trauma
Dog, severe uveitis, enucleation, pain, glaucoma, blind, removal, eye, cat
Dog with a severe uveitis
15 days after enucleation, dog, comfortable,
Same dog 12 days later
Enucleation, surgery, dog, comfortable, 24h after surgery
24 hours after surgery
15 days after enucleation, dog, comfortable
Same dog 12 days later
12 days after enucleation, dog, surgery, comfortable
12 days after surgery causing pain
cat , blind, pain, mass, cancer, retro bulbar, removal, enucleation
A cat with a cancer in his left eye
cat , blind, pain, mass, cancer, retro bulbar, removal, enucleation
3 weeks later
enucleation dog, removal, pain, blind
A cat with a cancer in his left eye
cat enucleation, removal, blind, pain
A cat with a cancer in his left eye