COVID-19: Ongoing preventative measures 

We are happy to welcome back clients with their pets into the clinic! 
For everyone's safety, we will manage the flow of clients into the clinic, and accept a maximum of 2 people per pet inside. In order to limit the number of people inside the clinic, we ask you to follow this arrival process: 

  • When parked near the clinic, please remain in your car and call us at (514)375-4713; 
  • You will be assigned to a spot on the terrace in front of the clinic, if there is no space available when you arrive, we will call you back to inform you when you can come back to the terrace;
  •  When the consultation room will be available, we will pick you up on the terrace and guide you to the room. 

Thank you for your understanding, our goal is to make your next visit safe and enjoyable.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our reception.


514 375-4713


514 375-4713


Online Services

Progressive retinal atrophy

What is progressive retinal atrophy? Progressive retinal atrophy is an incurable, but painless, disease of the retina that results in complete loss of vision (blindness). The light reaches the retina, which covers the posterior part of the eye, and the image forms on...

How does my dog see?

Everyone wonders about the vision of their pets. With this document I hope to bring you some answers. The vision includes many factors such as: visual field, depth perception (ability to evaluate a distance), visual acuity (ability to focus), movement perception,...

Normal aging of the eye

Aging changes in the eye: Iris atrophy and nuclear sclerosis The loose “flaps” of healing tissue at the edges of the ulcer are gently scraped / debrided away with sterile swabs and then a small needle is used to scratch a grid pattern over the surface of the dead...

Sudden acquired retinal degeneration (dog specific)

The retina is a highly organized tissue layer that is located deep within the eye. When light entering the eye reaches the retina, a series of chemical reactions occurs which generates an electrical impulse. The impulse travels from the retina through the optic nerve...

Alert signs of ocular diseases in pets

Some ocular diseases can progress very quickly and lead to the loss of the vision and/or the loss of the eye. This document reviews the signs that should be an alert for the pet’s owners. Signs of ocular pain Blepharospasm/rubbing It is very frequent to observe...